Panyard Jumbie Jam Steel Drum Kit - Table Top Stand - Blue Pan

Price: $184.95
SKU:  ae00-16913^W1085
Product  W1085
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1513 Ludington St.
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1219 S Military Ave.
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W8086 U.S. 2
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1212 N Third St.

So easy to play you will be jamming in minutes! The Jumbie Jam is an Authentic, High Quality Steel Drum that is “Fun to Play” and “Easy to Learn”. Great for all ages and musical abilities - you will be astounded by the quality of this spirited instrument. It produces pleasant tropical musical sounds, matching the quality of a professional Steel Pan at an affordable price. Bring the Islands home! Can’t read music? problem; the notes on the Pan and song books are marked by the note letter. Great for entry-to-intermediate skill levels, enjoyed by Adults & Kids 3+; Family Recreational Music Making, Played with other Instruments, Poolside Jamming, Worship Music, Music Therapy etc.

Model: W1085
Manufacturer: Panyard

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