With a 30-year history of innovation, Breedlove is building tomorrow’s guitars today. A pioneer in sustainability, no clear-cut woods are used in any handcrafted, hand-voiced, Sound Optimized Made in Bend Breedlove guitar, and the landmark Organic Collection introduces sustainable, all solid wood acoustic-electric instruments at remarkable prices. Known for comfort and playability, Breedlove’s four revolutionary body shapes, in a variety of exotic tonewoods and series, each maximized for specific play styles, deliver superior tone, resonance, and projection. You will play better, sound better, and play more with Breedlove.
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No synthetic materials, resin impregnated softwoods or glue heavy laminates, which diminish tone. Only sustainably harvested all solid tonewoods, for superior sound.

The only all solid sound acoustic/electric guitars available at this price with no clear-cut woods. Play a lifetime of guilt-free music while helping to heal the world’s forests.
With an accessible compartment adjacent to the endpin jack, changing two AAA batteries is fast and easy; sound hole mounted volume and tone controls are always ready, right at your fingertips.

Torrefied European spruce tops on most Organic Collection models are easy to maintain, more resistant to changing weather and sound rich, responsive and “aged” right now.
Sustainability is at the very core of the Breedlove experience, with no clear-cut woods used in any Made in Bend model or in the pioneering Organic Collection. Owner Tom Bedell has traveled to forests in Alaska, the Swiss Alps, Suriname, the Republic of Congo, and other locales around the world in a dedicated effort to ensure salvage or individual harvest practices that protect and preserve not only the trees, but also the wild habitat and the local forest communities. In 2020, Breedlove partnered with Academy Award–winning actor, musician, and environmentalist Jeff Bridges on a series of three signature “All in This Together” instruments based on shared passions for music and ecology

Oregon myrtlewood. Brazilian rosewood. Hawaiian koa. So many wonderful choices, with each bringing its own special characteristics to the sound of your guitar. Breedlove’s legendary library of native and exotic tonewoods spans the globe, from the fabled Adirondack spruce of rural New York State to the mystique of Amazonian granadillo and the enchanting African mahogany and torrefied European spruce combinations of the sustainable, all solid wood, clear-cut-free Organic Collection. With Breedlove you can get wild with a Legacy or a Pursuit Exotic or go classic with the tried-and-true East Indian rosewood of the handcrafted, hand-voiced, Sound Optimized® Premier series. And Breedlove’s Tonewood Certification Project traces and tracks each element of every Made in Bend Breedlove model.

It’s been the hallmark of Breedlove Guitars since day one, a restless urge to perfect acoustic sound, to match that sound with effortless playability, and to craft a clean, modern aesthetic.
It’s what Breedlove does every day, so you will sound better, play better and play more.