Our easy affordable program features:

  1. No required deposits!

  2. Month to month agreement, cancel at any time!

  3. Great rental rates!

  4. School approved brand name instruments!

  5. maintenance plan with included instrument replacement gives you peace of mind!

  6. Easy automatic monthly payments, no worries about missing a payment!

  7. *All your rental payments apply toward the purchase of your rented instrument or towards a step-up instrument!

  8. Additional Monthly Theft and Fire Insurance = FREE

At Jim's we don't think you should have to pay more for your theft or fire insurance, so we include it with every rental! If this situation occurs contact Jim's Music, and we will cover your deductible.

*Only the first year of Lease for Less rental applies towards purchase.

Select your school below to get started!

If you're renting for yourself or another adult choose the school other.
If your school is not listed please select other and add the school name in the notes of your contract.
If you run into any problems, fill out the rental, and add a comment in the notes. A representative will contact you to complete the order

How to properly size for Violin/Viola and Cello


Select District/School:
Select School/Teacher:
Select Instrument: